Melos / Norvik + Tatsuro Yokoyama
本作は香港在住の音楽家 Norvikと宮崎在住のピアニスト・作曲家 横山起朗のコラボレーションアルバム。SNSにて知り合い、静謐で美しい音楽を好む彼らがメッセージのやりとりを通じ共同で楽曲制作を始めたのは自然の流れだった。
アートワークでは新進気鋭の写真家 巻嶋翔が抜擢され抽象と具象を自由に捉えるその眼差しで、アルバムの音楽風景を描く。
マスタリングはTaylor Deupree (12k) が手がけている。
The first collaborative album by Hong Kong-based musician Norvik and pianist Tatsuro Yokoyama.
This work is a collaboration album between Norvik, a musician living in Hong Kong, and Tatsuro Yokoyama, a pianist and composer living in Miyazaki. They met through SNS, and it was a natural progression that they started producing music together through exchanging messages, as they both like quiet and beautiful music.
What they focused on when composing the song was "less" meaning something that is not full.
We select English words including "less" from each other, and based on those words, we combine Norvik's signature misty, mysterious sound with Yokoyama's minimalist piano melody and static harmonies, creating a listener based on ambient and electronics. An album that gently embraces the memory and its fragments has been completed.
For the artwork, up-and-coming photographer Sho Makishima was selected to paint the album's musical landscape with his eye for freely capturing abstraction and figuration.
Mastering was done by Taylor Deupree (12k).